Seinfeld: Episode 3 - The Jacket (Season 2)

Seinfeld Episode 3 (Season 2) Summary: “Jerry wears his expensive new suede jacket to meet Elaine’s intimidating novelist father. When snow begins to fall, Jerry plans to protect the suede by turning the jacket inside out, revealing a pink, candy-striped lining, much to the dismay of Mr. Benes.”

Original air date: Feb 6, 1991

Featuring Lawrence Tierney as Elaine’s father, Alton Benes (best known for playing Joe in ‘Reservoir Dogs’), The Jacket was a little divisive for us to review as Adam found Mr. Benes to be a bit too intense while Corey related to the plight of Jerry and George. Our friendship might not survive this episode but it makes for some good podcasting!

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Corey Stevenson