Bonus Episode: Talking Seinfeld With Kāsha

Hey everyone! First of all, I wanted to let you know the reason for this unplanned two week hiatus: Adam caught COVID about a week and a half ago. We hoped that he would be able to record this past weekend but unfortunately his voice was, well, terrible lol. Thankfully, he’s feeling much better (aside from his voice) and by all accounts we should be able to record this upcoming weekend.

The silver lining in all this is Adam’s wife Kāsha offered to record a bonus episode with me! We’ve mentioned having her (and my wife, Mayra) on Cartwright! in the future so this worked out perfectly… it just took Adam getting COVID to make it happen!

We hope everyone has a happy Thanksgiving, and we hope that everyone enjoys this bonus conversation between Kāsha and I :)

~ Corey

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Corey Stevenson